When will my land be ready?

Construction status


Statement of Compliance


Title Registration


Estimated settlement timeframe

June 2023 (earlier and later settlements will be considered by Development Victoria)


UPDATE - 13 June 2023

We are pleased to advise that Title Registration has been achieved for Riverwalk Stage 29!

We are in the process of notifying your conveyancer so that preparations can commence tor settlement of your lot, which is due to take place on Tuesday 27 June 2023.

If you need more time to arrange your settlement, or would like an earlier settlement date, please ask your conveyancer to email our Sales Administration Manager David Jones on David.Jones@development.vic.gov.au and we’ll do our best to accommodate your request.

If you have any questions about your settlement, please feel free to reach out to David on the email address provided above.

UPDATE - 6 June 2023

We’re pleased to advise that your land in Stage 29 at Riverwalk is now ready for valuation!

Please contact your bank lender to have their nominated valuer visit your lot, which can be accessed on Friday 9 June 2023 between 10am – 1pm.

If you need more time to arrange a valuation, we can also arrange access on Thursday 15 or Friday 16 June 2023 anytime between 9am and 3pm.

Unfortunately, access outside these days/times will not be possible as the fencing around your lot will be locked.

To arrange access for your valuer, please send your preferred day and time from the options above to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au.

Please advise your valuer to wear appropriate personal protect equipment (PPE), only utilise asphalted roads for access, and to take caution when accessing your land.

If you or your valuer have any queries regarding access to your lot, please let us know via the email address listed above.

UPDATE - 17 May 2023

Following our update on 5 May regarding your land at Riverwalk, we committed to providing regular communication. We are working hard to resolve the procedural issue that is delaying settlement and we are still working towards providing further information about your settlement by Wednesday 31 May 2023.

As we have advised previously, this issue has taken some time to resolve and remains a confidential issue.

We know this is a difficult time and again we apologise for the delays and want to assure you we are doing everything we can to resolve the matter as soon as possible to provide certainty around settlement of your land.

Our team has spoken to some customers at Riverwalk about their own circumstances and we want to reiterate that we are more than happy to have those conversations so please let us know if you would like us to contact you directly to discuss further.

As previously advised, we will provide a more detailed update by Wednesday 31 May. If there is more certainty prior to this date, we will contact you immediately. 

UPDATE - 5 May 2023

We are writing to give you an update on the timing for settlement on your land in Stage 29 Riverwalk.

As advised previously, there are delays to settlement while we work through a procedural issue, which is a confidential matter which we are unfortunately unable to share with you.

We want to sincerely apologise that this has taken some time to resolve. We appreciate that this has been difficult for you. We assure you that we have been doing everything we can to resolve the matter and give you further information around settlement of the purchase of your land at Riverwalk.

We are committed to providing you with this information by Wednesday 31 May, at the latest, and we also commit to updating you regularly prior to this date and if we can provide more substantial information prior to the end of May, we will be in touch immediately.

Some buyers have contacted us directly in regard to their own circumstances and where we can help in some way, we will. Please reach out if you would like to discuss further.

We apologise again and we will remain in contact with you.

UPDATE - 7 February 2023 

We are writing to you to provide an update on the settlement timing for Stage 29.

Statement of Compliance has now been issued for Stage 29 at Riverwalk.

However, prior to lodging the Plan of Subdivision with Land Use Victoria, there is a procedural matter that we need to resolve. This matter remains confidential at this stage.

We are working with the relevant stakeholders to solve this as quickly as possible, however due to the complex nature of the issue, it is likely that settlement will be delayed by at least 90 days.

We understand this may be disappointing news but please rest assured that we are doing everything we can to resolve this issue and finalise settlement as soon as possible.

As soon as we have further information available regarding title registration and settlement, we will update you via email and reflect any revised timeframes on the Riverwalk Connect portal.

Please be reminded that your builder is not permitted to enter Stage 29 for site investigation and soil testing purposes until settlement has occurred.

We apologise for any inconvenience this delay may cause and we thank you for your understanding and patience as we work through the issue.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 13 December 2022 

Construction works have now concluded on site and Practical Completion has been granted by Council. Final Statement of Compliance activities for Floodway Section 3&4 are continuing to progress.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 2 December 2022 

Construction works are complete and Council has issued Practical Completion.

Development Victoria has experienced unforeseen delays and issues associated with the Statement of Compliance process for Stage 29 and as a result, the anticipated timing of title registration and settlement for your lot has unfortunately been impacted.

Development Victoria will continue to work closely with its delivery partners to ensure Statement of Compliance for Stage 29 occurs as soon as possible.  While its teams do its best to provide you with accurate information at the time of purchase and during construction, the delivery programs are influenced by many factors including approvals by councils and various authorities, the timelines achieved by contractors, inclement weather and other unforeseen circumstances.

Given the uncertainty around these issues, it may be necessary to revise the above estimated timeframes for title registration and settlements again in the future.  If this does eventuate, further communication will be provided to keep you informed as soon as updates are available.

Please be reminded that your builder is not permitted to enter Stage 29 for site investigation and soil testing purposes until settlement of your land.

Your legal representatives will also be informed of the revised timeframes above and it is recommended that you inform your bank of these updates.

Thank you for your patience and apologies for the inconvenience caused during this time.

UPDATE - 10 November 2022 

Construction works have now concluded on site and Practical Completion has been granted by Council. Final Statement of Compliance activities for Constant Avenue Culverts and Floodway Section 3&4 are continuing to progress.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 13 October 2022 

Construction works have now concluded on site and Practical Completion has been granted by Council. Statement of compliance activities are ongoing and continuing to progress.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 21 September 2022 

Construction works have now concluded on site and Practical Completion has been granted by Council. Statement of compliance activities are ongoing and continuing to progress.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 26 August 2022 

Construction works have now concluded on site and Practical Completion has been granted by Council. Statement of compliance activities are ongoing and continuing to progress.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 16 August 2022 

Your lot in Stage 29 at Riverwalk is now ready for valuation.

Please contact your bank lender to have their nominated valuer visit your lot, which can be accessed on Monday 22nd August from 11am – 1pm.  Access outside the day/times indicated above will not be possible as the fencing around Stage 29 lots will be locked.

Access for your valuer to inspect your lot is to be coordinated by scheduling a time with Clinton Gardiner (Site Foreman) on 0400 500 546 or Daniel Ponte (Project Manager) on 0437 357 967. Access to site is prohibited unless confirmation has been made with one of the site representatives.

Please advise your valuer to wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), only utilise asphalted roads for access and to take caution when accessing your land as there may be some final construction items outstanding.

Should you or your valuer have any queries regarding access to your lot, please send an email enquiry to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 3 August 2022 

Construction works have now concluded on site and a compliance walk has been scheduled with Council for the week commencing 8th August. Statement of compliance activities are continuing to progress in the background.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 14 July 2022 

Topsoiling works are now underway, with wearing course asphalting works scheduled for next week. Following completion of topsoiling and asphalting works, compliance activities will commence.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 21 June 2022 

Concreting works are continuing to progress on site, with asphalting works scheduled to commence this week. Following completion of asphalting works, final topsoiling will be undertaken.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 6 June 2022 

Unfortunately due to inclement weather, progress on site has been limited over the past fortnight. Footpath and crossover concreting works are ongoing, with Class 2 FCR and asphalting works scheduled to commence in the coming fortnight.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 26 May 2022 

Footpath and crossover concreting works are continuing to progress, with Class 2 FCR and asphalting works scheduled to commence in the coming fortnight.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 13 May 2022 

Class 3 FCR, kerb works and electrical installation are now completed and NBN installation, footpath and crossover concreting works are underway.

Following footpath and crossover concreting works and NBN installation, Class 2 FCR and asphalting works will commence.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 7 April 2022 

Road boxing and preliminary road construction (construction and capping layer) has been completed and ag drain installation is underway. Following completion of the ag drain installation, Class 3 FCR and kerb works will commence.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 21 February 2022 

The majority of drainage works have been completed and watermain works are underway. Following watermain works, road boxing will commence in early-March.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 6 January 2022 

The final road and drainage design has been approved by Council. Drainage works are underway, with water and gas works to follow commencing in February 2022.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 29 November 2021 

The final road and drainage design has been submitted to Council for approval. Following approval, works will recommence on site; currently scheduled for early-December.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 27 October 2021 

Development Victoria is continuing to progress with Council regarding the road and drainage design for Stage 29. A solution has been tabled to address the concerns raised by Council and is currently under Council review. Following Council approval of the proposed solution, final design work will be submitted for approval and works will recommence on site. A further update will be provided following the approval of the amended Stage 29 road and drainage design.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to riverwalk.enquiries@development.vic.gov.au

UPDATE - 8th September 2021

Development Victoria is continuing to progress with Council regarding the subdivision layout for Stage 29. A proposed solution has been tabled to address the requests made by Council in relation to the drainage design. Further design work is currently being completed by Development Victoria’s consultant engineer with the view that this will be submitted and approved by Council in the coming weeks. A further update will be provided following the submission and receipt of feedback on the proposed solution.

UPDATE - 2nd June 2021

Development Victoria continue discussions with Council regarding the subdivision layout for Stage 29. Additional requests made by Council to amend our design and include extra-over stormwater treatments are currently being negotiated and we hope to provide more of an update over the next few weeks.

May 2021

Sewer and Drainage mains have been installed and tested with some electrical relocation works completed as well. Council discussions continue on the road design.

March 2021

Design and approvals of engineering plans are continuing with works due to commence shortly with electrical authorities currently completing some work.

Civil Construction Progress

construction commences
construction complete
Includes design, authority approvals, tender and audit works.
Re-shaping of the ground to allow construction of roads and drainage connection to each lot. Estimated timeframe 4-6 weeks.
sewer and
Provision of a sewer connection to each lot and underground drainage system. Estimated timeframe 8 weeks.
water and gas
Provision of water and gas pipeline connections to each lot. Estimated timeframe 3-4 weeks.
Developing a firm material base underneath roads and footpaths. Construction of kerbs and drains to enable channels from stormwater to travel to underground drainage system.
electrical and nbn
Electrical cabling and NBN to enable internet connection for each lot.
and roads
Footpaths, asphalt, topsoiling and road completion.
Completion of the construction works.

Title Registration Progress


100% - In Progress

Contact made by Development Victoria to purchaser's legal representatives / conveyancers to initiate settlement process (settlement can occur at any time up to 14 days after title registration is achieved). Soil testing by builders can be undertaken at this point.

Title registration
75% - Complete

Document lodged to Land Titles Victoria to enable title registration. Estimated timeframe for title registration following lodgement 10-14 days. Bank valuations can be undertaken at this point.

statement of
50% - Complete

Document received from local council confirming construction has been completed in accordance with approved plans developed by the relevant authorities.